Assess Student Learning
Assessing student learning is a vital aspect of teaching to evaluate the academic progress of students and for faculty to identify areas of instruction that need more attention.
The CTL Assessment Services team are ready to assist all BYU instructors in their efforts to improve and innovate the student learning assessments in their courses.
Assessment Consultations
To schedule a consultation and discuss assessment best practices, a variety of assessment strategies, learner-centered feedback options, review exam statistics or item analysis reports, or any other topic - contact:
Bryan Bradley
Additionally, your CTL Learning & Teaching Consultant is available to visit with you about assessment topics.
Learn More About Assessment
Listed below are a few resources from the BYU Teach Anywhere
BYU Testing Center
The BYU Testing Center is an important campus resource that assists faculty by administering proctored assessments. More information about the services and options available can be accessed on the Testing Center website